Everything you need to know to start your law firm

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You were born with the desire and drive to be more than just a typical attorney.


Making $70k a year working for someone else? Not my vibe.


You want to be in control of your time and your life—and still make the big bucks.




You WANT to start your own law firm BUT…


You don't have enough money saved yet (it’s 6 months of salary, right).


You feel like you don't have enough experience quite yet…


You’re not sure how or where you would get clients...


Or maybe you simply have no clue how to start a business.

Law Firm Launch is your elite guide to finally feel READY to start your law firm

(THIS year—not in another "6-12 months") 

and create a life of time freedom and massive income.

Tell me…


Are you ready to make $40k months your new normal?


Are you ready to set your own hours and schedule? 


Are you done waiting and "saving up" to start your law firm?


Are you ready for 20-hour workweeks?


Are you done letting someone else control your time? 


Are you tired of never having enough PTO for a nice vacation?


Are you ready to say hello to short, smooth work days and goodbye to stress and chaos? 


Are you ready to be the proud owner of a thriving law firm?

If you said YES, then you’re in the right place.


YES that's me


Law Firm Launch teaches you how to start your own law firm from the ground up:

from 9-to-5 employee to thriving solo entrepreneur

with clients, systems, and a bulging bank account to match.

You’re a future law firm owner if…


You close your eyes and imagine a life where you have freedom over your schedule, and can finally take that afternoon pilates (or get a mid-day massage)


Instead of "waiting 1-2 years"  to start your law firm, you want to feel READY to launch your firm this year. 


You want  an easy-to-follow plan to take you from “saving up to start your law firm” to "law firm owner" before the end of the year.


You imagine FINALLY getting 100% of the client fee, instead of only your salary (and a measly end-of-year bonus).


You want to replace your big law firm salary—without worrying where your next client will come from.


You don’t want to choose between career and freedom—you want to have both.


You dream about your time freedom and lifestyle when you’re able to finally quit your 9-to-5 and start your own business.

This is the life we are creating with Law Firm Launch

Let's freaking go!

Law Firm Launch teaches you everything you need to start your law firm:


1) Detailed launch plan for RAPID growth in year 1

2) Calculating your monthly expense budget and savings plan

3) Building your Sales System to attract new leads before you launch

4) Creating your entity, and accounts, and drafting essential documents

5) Setting up online platforms and tools you need to start and grow 

6) Writing your high converting sales pitch and closing clients

7) How to finally feel READY to quit your 9-to-5 and launch your firm to the world

8)  Thinking and making (the right) decisions like a Law Firm Owner




What’s inside Law Firm Launch:



Mindset & Planning

  • Choosing your hyper-focused Niche
  • Building Your Firm in a New Practice Area
  • Creating your law firm’s 10-year vision
  • Strategic Decision Making (and how to use it)
  • Thought-Shifting Principles for Success
  • Feel Ready by Removing Roadblocks
  • Next-Level Decision Making Strategies




  • Calculating Your Monthly Expenses
  • List of typical launch and growth expenses
  • Creating your Savings Plan
  • Determining your Minimum Client Number 
  • Choosing your quit-and-launch date
  • Bootstrapping your Law Firm
  • The Best Funding Options




  • Beginning your Sales System
  • How to get clients on Day One
  • Basic Social Media Principles for getting clients
  • Creating Your Content Menu for Consistency
  • Getting over your fear of Video Marketing
  • Principles of Traditional Marketing
  • Nailing Your Networking
  • Creating Referral Funnels



Establish Your Entity

  • Choosing Your Firm Name
  • Creating Your Business Type
  • How to File Your Business Entity & Get Your EIN
  • Setting up your DBA
  • Finding a Mailing Address vs. Office
  • Deciding if you need an office
  • How to Open Your Firm Bank Accounts
  • Trust Account Rules and Processes
  • Using Credit Cards The Right Way
  • Choosing Malpractice Insurance



Law Firm Setup

  • How to set up your Emails and Domain
  • Choosing a Practice Management Software
  • Setting Up Your Software
  • Selecting a Sales CRM Tool
  • How to get a Business Phone Number
  • Essential Law Firm Platforms and Tools 
  • Setting Up Your Google Business Account
  • Using Internal Communications Software
  • Choosing Scheduling Software
  • Opening Your Filing Accounts



Craft Your Sales Funnel & Pitch

  • Creating Your 5-Part Sales Funnel
  • Drafting Your 3- Part Sales Pitch
  • Getting leads to contact you
  • How to make a landing page for leads
  • How to convert leads on a sales call
  • What to say to get YES answers
  • Closing a lead on the phone
  • When (and how) to send your client contract
  • Optimizing your sales pitch to get more (and better) clients




  • How to launch your law firm to the world!
  • What you need to get clients in the door
  • How to grow your firm in the first 3 months 
  • What you need to do to reach success in year 1

Everything you need to get your firm started–and clients in the door.


You're going to



90-Day Launch Plan

A step-by-step plan to get your law firm started in less than 90 days (OR in whatever time frame you choose!).

Accelerated Content™ Social Media Workshop

This Workshop teaches you how I used social media content marketing to get 100 clients within 100 days of starting my firm (without spending any money $ on ads!)

Launch Checklist

A comprehensive checklist of everything you need to start a law firm (including accounts, platforms, tools, and paperwork)

Why Law Firm Launch?


Let me take you back to 2018. I was a young attorney… and I was miserable. I was burning the candle at both ends in my “cushy” big law firm job. I was making no money. I was getting yelled at all the time. The people around me were unenthusiastic about life and had no ambition. It was so awful, I thought about crashing my car on the way to work (just a little fender bender) so I wouldn’t have to go.


I thought to myself, this can’t be all there is… this can’t be the life I’m going to live the next 40 years. I dreamt of a life where I could travel all over the world multiple times a year; where I could work alongside people with zest and passion for life; where I could create something big and impactful; and where I could build real wealth and a meaningful life. 


Fast forward to October 2020: I launched my law firm from my living room at just 28 years old. 

I was terrified, but I told myself to

In 2021, my law firm hit $1.78 MILLION in revenue. We grew to a team of 15 amazing people. And since then, we have helped hundreds of clients and made millions more.


More than that, building my law firm has given me LIFE. I no longer want to crash my car on the way to work (I don’t actually commute to work anymore. Virtual law firms FTW!) I take luxury vacations multiple times a year (hello, first class). And I wake up every day excited to continue growing my firm.


In 2023, I made it my mission to help 100 other lawyers build their own law firms and create their high-end life.


And I hope YOU will be one of them.

I'm Ready

Make this Investment in Yourself:

One-time payment:



I'm in!
3 payments of:



I'm ready!


When I decided to launch my firm, I immediately reached out to Britt to learn the success secrets she used when building her own $MM practice.

Thanks to Britt’s coaching, I’ve reached new career heights and tapped into my unlimited potential for maximum law firm profitability, efficiency and quality.

Once we created a business roadmap, I saw the path to success as clear as day, giving me the confidence to pursue and hit my ambitious goals. 

- Francesca Witzburg, Esq.



Everything I ever dreamed about— travel, lifestyle, wealth— was on the other side of starting my own law firm.


Your dream life is on the other side, too.


You have what it takes. You have the ambition, the drive, the desire. What you need is the guidance and expertise to turn that action into success. And that's what I'm offering you in Law Firm Launch.

Join Law Firm Launch